Friday 31 October 2008

Incense Sticks Give Away

Because of how crazy both my boys are when they are about we can't have candles burning. So when my house needs to smell fresher (living with 3 males that occurs quite often) and the kids are around I get out the incense sticks.

I've got a tube of 20 to give away made up of:

5 Sandalwood
5 Lavender
5 Patchouli
5 Camomile

To enter leave me a comment about which is your favourite scent by Friday 8th November (wahoooo that's Torin's 3rd Birthday!!!!)


Carolyn Sharkas said...

woohoo! I'm first. I know what you mean, I have teenagers in my house and they are a bit careless so I prefer incense sometimes, too. I love sandalwood.

Thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love lavendar scent. Tell Torin Happy Birthday from me (a little early)! Thanks for the giveaway!

zarache AT aol DOT com


I like anything that distracts away from boys fart smells- see I am honest- if it smells good send it on

Amber said...

Lavender is my favorite :) Thank you for the giveaway, please enter me!

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

I like sandalwood. Aroma therapy is the best

juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com

the schros said...


Anonymous said...

I like Lavender or really any of them. Thanks for the great and wonderful giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm a patchouli and sandalwood girl. Guess I'm just a hippy at heart.


toohotforturtle said...

Sandalwood for me

Snowbird said...

Lavender for sure for me but sandalwood is a close second.

Unknown said...

Patchouli has always been my favorite! Sandalwood would be next.
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Ilissa said...

The lavender sounds wonderful. Thanks for the chance!

altermyworld said...

oooooooooooo i love incense i like spicy scents.

frugallm said...

Lavendar is my favorite!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Stacy said...

Sandalwood, but all sound great.

Thanks for the giveaway!


AmandaK said...

I love the scent of patchouli. I don't know what it is, but it has a calming effect over me!!


thriftymommy said...

I love having my house scented at all times. I love the sent camomile. Thank you for making it possible to try your wonderful product.

Chantelle said...

i love lavendar! This is a great one! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Re said...

i like pachouli and sandalwood Great giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley. Of those scents, I like Patchouli but my alltime favorite scent is Coconut. I would live in a coconut if I could. Hey! That reminds me of Spongebob only he lives in a pineapple; we could be neighbors.

okay, I apologize. It's all the blogging dear

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I'd say lavender. But if I win, I'm giving them to my teenager...and she'd probably say patchouli :-) Thanks for the chnace to win!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I like Lavender.

Thanks for the chance to win, please throw my name into the hat!


Andria said...

I love all things Patchouli!! Thanks for the chance!

FatalisFortuna said...

My favorite is sandalwood!

screamingicecube at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said...

I am in a house of all boys as well, one hubby, three sons and one dog! :o) I love Sandlewood!

Jessica said...

Lavender and Gardenia are my favorite scents. I have candles and incense burning almost every day. I love smelly things.
Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Halloween.

windycindy said...

Lavender and Sandalwood are both wonderful scents to me! Please enter me in your fun drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

409cope said...

I have always loved Patchouli scent.

Anonymous said...

KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Karen A. said...

I'm sure these would all smell terrific, but lavender would be at the top of my list.

Becca said...

Lavender sounds great, thanks!

Lisa Garner said...

Gardenia is my favorite scent!
Thanks for having this giveaway!
lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

Anonymous said...

i love lavender!

fertawert AT yahoo DOT com

daytoncat said...

Lavender is such a relaxing scent!


jennem said...

My favorite scent is tearose.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Out of the four scents, I like sandalwood best. It always reminds me of Japan. :)

Ginny said...

Patchouli is actually are favorite scent. We used to use it so much that hubbies friends would buy boxes from us, lol.

fancyfeet48 said...

My favorite scent is tearose

caseykelp said...

our fave scent Patchouli.

Unknown said...

I'm picking lavender. Thanks for the giveaway. We burn incense all the time, my wife loves smelly things:)

Jinxy and Me said...

I love lavender scent! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

sandalwood is my fave!


Tracy DeLuca said...

Toss up between lavender or chamomile! Love both of them!

Anonymous said...

Lavender is nice.

Jennifer said...

I like Sandalwood!! Thanks for the chance!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com