Monday, 10 November 2008

those waiting on prizes

Sorry it's been a hectic week with Torin being ill & super clingy. I've not been able to get to the post office (and my DH let me down).

They'll definately be in the post this week

Friday, 7 November 2008

Winner - Sun Catcher Photo Frames

I've just realised I haven't selected the 3 winners.

The lucky people are:


Thank you everyone who entered.

Shelley xx

Winner - Incense sticks

And the winner is mannequin. I have sent you an email.

Thank you everyone for entering.

Shelley xx

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Winner - Vanilla scented candles

The winner is Faerie Mom

I'll be contacting you shortly.

Thank you everyone who entered.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Winner - Dinosaur Shrinkles

I just realised I did the winners in the wrong order & drew the candle winner first.

Anyway the winner of the dinosaur shrinkles is Jesica.

Thank you to everyone who entered.

Jesica you will be receiving an email from me shortly.

Shelley xsx

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Winner - Rose Candle set

And the winner is


Congratulations. I will be contact you shortly.

Thank you everyone who entered

Shelley xx

Monday, 3 November 2008

returning to work thoughts

Wow who would have thought the decision would be so difficult to make.

I've been lucky to have spent 3 years at home with Torin but I'm now feeling the pull to return back to work. I started putting things in motion when I started going to college on Monday nights. The idea behind that was that when Torin is ready to start school in 2 years time I'll be qualified as a TA & would be heading back to work. Since starting that in September the pull to find myself has surfaced really strong.

Today I've made some phone calls to some nurseries to see if they have vacancies for Torin. Wednesday I will be speaking to the head of department where I volunteer to see if they've got anything available there.

Now if only those damn butterflies would go away

WINNER - Xmas Sack

Torin picked number 11 which is LisaP

Congratulations. I'll be contacting you today.

Thank you to everyone who entered.

Shelley xx